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More Info

Everyday Activism is a volunteer-run organization whose mission is to inspire fundamental change by keeping people politically engaged by providing achievable, daily actions.

Being an activist isn’t limited to attending a protest. There’s always something to fight for, so why let your involvement in our national discourse be temporary when you can easily get involved every day?

What is Everyday Activism?

Everyday Activism will provide you with a daily action that will drive towards positive, societal change. The actions will range from reading an article, listening to a podcast, researching an organization, or even calling your representatives. If you aren’t able to complete the action—don’t stress! Come back the next day and there will be something else that you can do.

To make it even easier to stay active, we have a handy tweet-bot you can follow on Twitter at @Activist_Robot.

How can I help?

Everyday Activism is looking for all kinds of volunteers! How can you help? If you’re a great writer, but are new to getting involved, we could use your help writing copy. If you’re actively engaged and have great resources we should leverage, your expertise would be helpful for drafting prompts. If you have a nose for researching, we need support verifying and approving drafts so that they can move into the posting queue. If you want to help and aren’t sure how, send us a message! There’s always something you can do.

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